Monday, November 12, 2007

Falling Flagpoles

Here we go again... what is news? Despite a newspaper's affiliations, it should be expected that they report actual news and yet the latest coverage on Hillary Clinton's campaign is on falling flagpoles. One might hope that the article might cover something more valid that an "ill omen" of campaign. It was interesting to observe that reader responses ranged from "this is not news" to "even the flag poles don't want her to be president." It makes one feel rather disgusted with the media and American populace in general. Depressing, isn't it?


Vote For Hillary Online said...

This was actually a setup by the opposition to make Hillary look bad. We just wrote an analysis on our blog about this.

John Stonebreaker said...

It seems that the paper was trying to evoke a response from the people in an event that happened. Many of the papers are against Hillary because she is seen as a "socialist" and against big business. So in order to create stir against her they create ridiculous articles like this and take her ratings down because the American people are too stupid to remember facts about Hilary's policies and simply remember the polls in their newspaper. It really is sad.

Specific Relativity said...

"Depressing, isn't it?"


It made me laugh that "vote for hillary online" conveniently had something to say on the matter as well haha.

John Stonebreaker said...

haha I know it probably popped up on one of their search bars and due to the outrageous tendencies of US media needed to respond to try and counter this article.