Monday, November 12, 2007


Oxymorons are tools used intentionally in creative writing and perhaps more often unintentionally in speech. An opposite within itself, they appear to emphasize the dichotomy of a situation or state of being. Although a literary tool, it seems that oxymorons can reflect a deeper meaning. Dichotomy and duplicity… Certainly vague statements are a favorite of politicians, who seem to not only contradict themselves but supposed party values and policies. Mankind is incredibly complex, which is reflected in our language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there is something that is surrounded with the statement "support our troops" just like the guest speaker said, everything surrounds that quote, but the actual statement, what does it contain?
is it a command, a question? a factual present descriptive statement
yet it works, and it works to the extent in that it derives our support of the person using that method to receive attention where it might not have been

its also a commercial where the actual message is missing, but the images are there to conceive emotion, and a willingness to move with the argument

these are common approaches to that media surface
