Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Pets have no privacy
As we monitor their every function
We assume they do not value
Such as we do
But did your “loyal companion”
Ever go in the other room to eat a biscuit

Pets are selectively bred
Features of face
Pointy ears
Perky tails
Fluffy fur
Yet all so pliable

Pets are disposable
Yet they are given greater care
Than battered women with no where to go
Spend Thousands on a surgery for a poodle
While a person ides of an easily preventable disease

Throw Fluffy away
And replace with Buffy
He chewed the carpet
She destroyed my plants
Put a bullet in its head
And replace, perpetuate the cycle


David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Nice. Did you compose that?

John Stonebreaker said...

Very nice poem and well thought out. I think that most people fall into this trap and think animals are disposable, yet they treat them as a member of the family at the same time...very strange.